Deluxe Logo Design

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For those interested in having a new logo created, I highly recommend Deluxe. They also create websites. I recently utilized Deluxe’s services for my new logo and am very pleased with the logo and their services. 


They have different denomination packages to choose from, you register, and give all pertinent information (i.e. name, address, etc.) and they contact you (they contacted me within 24 hours). You then discuss what ideas/style you have in mind for a logo, and can attach existing logo or perhaps something you sketched to give them further ideas for a finalized logo. 


They then begin working on a first draft logo. Within 2-4 days, they email “first drafts” for you to peruse and give feedback within your account. I also called since I wanted to give more details and was transferred to my logo designer directly (they assign a designer specifically to each client). They then do a “second draft” and again you peruse it in your account. You can either accept one of them, or ask for a third revision.


Once you let them you know you’re happy with a logo, you’re sent final files via email and own all design rights.  They also offer purchases of business cards, pens, tote bags, etc. with your logo on them.


I highly recommend them, service and follow-up has been outstanding! Here’s a link to the logo design portion of their website.